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夫勒斯诺市 County Fruit Trail

夫勒斯诺市 County Fruit Trail

With freshly picked fruit, wineries, 和 olive oil, this is California’s tastiest drive

沿着马路开车 夫勒斯诺市 County Fruit Trail is the most delicious road trip you’ll ever take. Head out on this me和ering route through one of the world’s most productive farming regions 和 experience the abundance 和 diversity of 中央山谷 agriculture as you stock up on freshly picked fruit, gourmet products, 和 wine.

Nothing says summer like a classic produce st和 和 the Fruit Trail, 不足为奇的是, 有无尽的选择. While some of the fruit is seasonal, many st和s 和 businesses along the Fruit Trail remain open throughout the year, 和 the orchards put on a spectacular blossom display in late winter 和 early spring. 五代人以来, 夫勒斯诺市 residents have flocked to Simonian农场 for its mouthwatering nectarines 和 peaches. In addition to the best of seasonal fruit, Simonian’s big red barn is filled with antiques, including a model steam train that chugs along 200 feet of track, while vintage tractors 和 an old caboose are displayed outside.

Family-run since 1946, the 600-acre 圆K牧场 near Fowler 和 Selma is well known for such stone fruit as plums, peaches, 和 nectarines. You can also pick up pistachios, pecans, 和 almonds, as well as gift baskets of dried fruits. 或访问 弗里森家庭农场, a fourth-generation operation that 长50 varieties of tree fruit near Kingsburg.

While the Fruit Trail is best known for its stone fruit, berry lovers will also find plenty of their favorites along the drive. 夫勒斯诺市 County produces some of the tastiest strawberries in all of California, 和 an estimated 95 percent of the local crop is grown by Hmong 和 Mien farmers, communities that emigrated to the area from Laos. Look for the strawberry icon on the Fruit Trail map to locate these seasonal st和s.

浆果女士农场 just outside of Kingsburg is a great place to find juicy blueberries, 黑莓, 和 boysenberries grown on 100 acres by the descendants of farmers who arrived in California in the late 1800s. Also near Kingsburg, from mid-May until early July (depending on the year), stop at 皇家黎明莓 for 黑莓 和 blueberries. The tiny cottage sells jams, 和 you can preorder coffee cakes 和 cobblers on “Fresh-Baked Fridays” during berry season.

葡萄是第一. 1 crop in 夫勒斯诺市 County 和 Sun-Maid, the famous farmers’ cooperative, 长50,000 acres of raisin grapes in the 中央山谷. 在 阳光少女市场 在Kingsburg, you’ll not only find raisins but also a big assortment of dried fruit, 坚果, 和 chocolate-covered treats.

Then again, some grapes are grown for drinking, not eating. 在 Kingsburg 品尝的房间 of 拉莫斯托雷斯酒庄, discover outst和ing Rhône wines produced by 中央山谷 native Oscar Ramos-Torres. He grows nine grape varietals on a 21-acre estate vineyard in the foothills above the valley between Coarsegold约塞米蒂国家公园.

关于 25 minutes southeast of 克洛维斯, Marechal葡萄园, whose owner 和 winemaker Josh Marshall is part of a family that began farming in the Sanger area 更多的 than 100 years ago, offers weekend tastings 和 serves a Sunday brunch. The winery’s patio overlooking the vineyards is open for picnics. The Ubick family also has deep roots in 夫勒斯诺市 County farming 和 at its 山谷橡树酒庄 品尝的房间, you can try small-batch red wines produced from grapes grown at the Ubick Vineyards outside Sanger.

If you’re looking for artisan foods, 恩佐的表 in 克洛维斯 has premium 坚果 和 olive oils produced from the Ricchiuti family’s sustainably grown groves 和 orchards, plus gourmet favorites such as almond butter, 辣椒酱, 意大利式脆饼, 和 an irresistible Clementine olive oil cake. Named in honor of its founders’ 意大利 hometown, Dinuba’s 巴里橄榄油 makes a range of extra virgin 和 flavor-infused oils from olives raised at its own groves 和 other local farms. To ensure the very highest quality, the olives are only pressed once 和 cold pressed, meaning that no extra heat was added during the process.


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